Saturday, November 15, 2008

memorization is not learning, or is it?

It is common among classrooms today to find children learning through the use of flashcards and other educational techniques to help them memorize information. The question is... are children really learning when they make use of such techniques?
SO many times people associate memorization of information with truly learning about a subject & that it kills me! Just because a child can look at a math flashcard and tell you that 2 times 2 = 4, doesn't mean that that child knows how to mathematically get the answer. Is does not mean that the child truly has learned this type of math skill to where if they were given an entirely different set of multiples that they could get the correct answer. Memorization does not = true learning. When a child truly learns something he or she is familiar enough with the content to where they can learn about it but yet also apply it and use it in the real world -not just in the classroom. I think that children should be encouraged to learn in other ways so that the information is truly ingrained in their minds to use, not to recite. Recitation is so boring as it is! As a teacher it will be my goal to make learning exciting, fun, and always engaging, so that my students can get a better "feel" for what they are learning. The more engaged the students are in their own learning, the more willing they will become to learn new things.