Sunday, November 16, 2008

Learning to Be Punctual

"I might need to start using an alarm clock to help me get things done on time!"
Sooooo I have always have had a problem with being punctual for some odd reason. I don't care if I set my alarm clock five hours ahead I would still end up being late to something. It's not that I don't want to be punctual I just hardly ever am able to arrive on time to things that I am obligated/not obligated to do. I always find something else that has to be done before I can successfully complete the main task that I have set out to do. I even write down lists of what I need to do but I always think of something else to add that I put in front of the things that I have already decided to take on. I've been getting better at being punctual but I wonder if there is anything that I could do to help me overcome this problem entirely? If anyone has some suggestions feel free to share, but please be respectful and helpful! Thanks ~Becca