Thursday, November 13, 2008

becoming is a slow process

Just like a plant needs time and nurturing to grow, so do I as a developing teacher.
Becoming a teacher is a lot slower process than I thought, and at the same time its not really. I have already learned how to write lesson plans, make a learning center, teach a mini lesson, analyze learning situations and even learning styles. The funny part about this is that I have only had two education related courses so far, one year working at the CDL and I have already learned this much?! Even though this may sound like a lot -I feel that there is SO much more I still need to learn in order to become the successful and well-rounded english teacher that I would like to be upon graduating from Berea College. I know that it is going to be a long process, because I've been told that it never really stops because teachers (just like everyone else) are constantly learning new things every day. Knowing this makes my head kind of hurt because I wonder how much can one learn before they are considered knowledgable about their subject? In the world of teaching, teachers should obviously be well educated in their field before they even attempt to teach someone else about their specific subject.
What I want to know is will I ever be ready to truly teach another about english, its conventions, or anything relating to english at all? When do we know when we're ready -or do we ever know?