Monday, October 27, 2008

diversity not university!

Even though university (or equality) among students and their characteristics in the classroom is desirable at times -diversity opens new doors to thinking and learning about subjects.
I think that it is important to have diversity in the classroom simply because without diversity among students the classroom would be simply put -boring. If every student were the same and brought with them the same learning experiences, the same background, the same ideals etc. then there would not be much room for students to learn from their peers.
This is what makes classroom diversity so important, the fact that with diversity comes new things to learn about our students, and for students to learn about their peers. The more chances that students have to interact and get to know their classmates the more insight they will gain into different cultures and cultural values.
Classroom diversity should be encouraged and used to enhance the classroom experience! (*This is why I love being in college -there is diversity in everything! It's awesome!) With diversity in a classroom wether it is cultural diversity, diversity in learning styles etc., learning experiences become enhanced by the different point of views, reflections, connections that students have. Without diversity a classroom is just plain boring and does not hold as great learning experiences as a classroom that does contain some sort of diversity.